Kolektiva: Social Media By and For Anarchists

Kolektiva: Social Media By and For Anarchists

From subMedia

This is our chance to re-imagine social media, and our relationship to it. To rediscover the lost promise of the Internet. To construct new digital worlds in the burning shell of the old. And to do it together.

The old paradigms are dying. It’s long past time that those who want to overthrow this miserable system break our addiction to data-mining surveillance platforms, built and maintained by our enemies.

Kolektiva.social is a Mastodon instance built by and for anarchists. It is just one small node in a larger decentralized network called the Fediverse. Unlike other Twitter alternatives like Koo or Hive, the software and apps that power this network are all open source, with each server setting its own rules, free from the influence of ad-driven algorithms and billionaire tech-bro CEOs.

There is great potential here, but whether we realize that potential depends on all of us. That’s why we’re calling on you to get involved.


There are 27 Comments

Kolektiva is superior from software choice to developer skills. Kolektiva works great and a.nti.social has been broken forever and probably keeps logs. Both are located in the USA and will comply with subpoenas.
Just go to bookfairs, dudes.

Both require Javasnitches... without which the "logs" are pretty useless unless there's some NSA magic we don't know yet about.

So then it's all up to who's running the instance and if you got reasons to trust/mistrust them.

I don't trust Submedia as they've always been dodgy self-interested Left sectarians who disregard anyone who's not in their clique(s), regardless of their anarchist imagery and pretenses, especially when they're individuals not backed by any recognized group.

"Both require Javasnitches... without which the "logs" are pretty useless unless there's some NSA magic we don't know yet about."

You think server logs require JavaScript or "NSA magic"? LMAO sit down, noob.

"I don't trust Submedia as they've always been dodgy self-interested ..."

Do you trust Anarchyplanet/thecollective the bigest NA promoters of (and infamously shunned for) a more self-interested anarchy? LMAO sit down, noob.

Let's put all your L33T h4xx0r skillz to the test rn, if you're so edgy.

I just visited kolektiva.info

Gimme all the log details you got from this visit. Thecollective plz do not delete the reply.

I'll wait but won't hold my breath too long, as you tools usually never follow up.

Additionally, you have very poor reading comprehension. Kolektiva was not the site in question.

which in itself is but a programming language used mosrly in browsers to do things a static HTML page cannot. It is an interpreted language, meaning you habe muman readable source code except where obfuscatee by an author with something to hide.

If JS is not used at all, it is impossible to do things like salt and hash a passphrase before transmitting it to the server. If can be used to do anything from sending, then playing encrypted peer to peer video to keylogging everythkng done in browser and sendkng that take to a malicious author.

In other words the problem is in the programmers not the language. There is a good reason I won't let Facebook run JS even in Torbrowser: I consider that site and thus its JS programmers malicious. On the other hand, I highly doubt Kolecriva would add malicious JS to their side, in NoScript I do not see shit like Google Analytics with them, and do not have to enable any 3ed party tools to make Mastodon work. If I want to play back archive.org videos of course I will need their JS (and fetch).

the only problem with portions of the UI for older gnome-shell or rhe current Cinnamon desktop environment being written in JS (Javascript) is that any interpreted language is far slower rhan compiled code. On the other hand, it's 20x faster than Python according to some reports so of available interpretors it was the obvious choice for the original authors of GNOME shell. GNOME and Cinnamon are Ljnux/Unix desktop environments

That's a lot of words to explain how you have rudimentary skillz at best. Some of what you said is correct. A lot is "hello, fellow kids."

One of the best vectors for attack are the people who think they know about privacy and think they're protec.

that's not very many words to say not very much other than nuh unh. if you have corrections or better information, share some of it. otherwise, you're just empty typing.

If the assertions made by one party or the doubts cast against them by the other party make no sense to you, either butt out or do your own homework if you want to understand. Nobody is here to hand-hold you cuz internet so hard! Additionally, you do not have to share your opinion on the internet about every single thing. Especially things you do not understand. The beauty of being anon is you don't need to feel the shame for being a dummy. You just pretend to be another anon. Cheers.

Your post still has zero (as in "0") informational value. In other words, it's trolling. Post evidence of an exploit that can allow agencies to de-anon across the Tor network without their well-known Javasnitch exploits. Thanks.

My Stirner your entitlement is peak brainlet. Do you believe everyone you are in conversation with exists only to provide something for you or that if they are not providing something for you it's "trolling"? No wonder you're alone.

"Post evidence of an exploit that can allow agencies to de-anon across the Tor network without their well-known Javasnitch exploits."

Javascript is NOT required you noob. Javascript is only one vector. Learn about tor exit node vulns. Do a fucking google search about ISPs and tor exit nodes. Do a little research about being an idiot that think just using the tor browser (or torsocks) is enough when you decide to bypass security to play media or accept a download. Read a fucking wikipedia page AT LEAST before you open your mouth and demand "evidence!!1!" I am certain you don't know the risks with the internal combustion engine either but I assure you they exist.

Also, as a wise anews contributor once said: "evidence is impossible."

Now fuck off back to disabling or lowering your torbrowser security level setting so you load hentai.

To summarize:

Luke: Hello, fellow h4ck4rz.

habe muman: "One of the best vectors for attack are the people who think they know about privacy and think they're protec."

anon1: NoooooOoo Javascript is the only way to get got!

anon2: Javascript isn't the only way.

anon1: Teach me about Nation State level threats against my anonymity that do not use Java"snitch" or they aren't real. I do not want to learn for myself or read anything even a wikipedia page. Teach me about h4ck1ngz right fucking now or I will fucking kill you!

luke : here's some information i have

anon 1: noooo, you're the problem

anon 2: i don't know enough to know whether to believe you, anon 1

anon 1: fuck you for doubting my brilliance, git gud with the things that i already know about... i only know stuff so that i can talk shit about other people trying to share information!

anon 1 again: i'm always right and should never be questioned by anyone about anything...

ooh, this is fun...

I concede. Take your internet security and privacy advice from Luke from DC and anon. You're completely safe and anonymous from Nation States and other bad actors as long as you just don't use "Javasnitch". Rite, rite??? Have fun!

Ok so in a nutshell:

If I use Tor at "Safest" security settings, with Javascript turned off, I'm still exposed to exit node exploits.


This would mean that the thousands of activists, state agents, journalists, drug dealers and randos using Tor for whatever sensitive reason have been compromised, for ages. And this hasn't been in the news everywhere?


Different anon here,

"If I use Tor at "Safest" security settings, with Javascript turned off, I'm still exposed to exit node exploits. "

This is not what was said. In fact it borders on the opposite of what was said. Learn to reed moran!

I first replied to "a.nti.social has been broken forever and probably keeps logs", saying that ANY-fucking-WAYS... regardless of Pleroma or Mastodon, they're both using Javasnitches for logging and watching vids (as in "video content" to make it legible to you, blowhard).

So me stating the obvious doesn't make me an idiot or whatev demeaning insults that'll make you feel better in your superiority complex insecurity bubble, brah.

First commenter I replied to didn't have a point; Pleroma ain't more broken in any way than Mastodon, unless one considers not having a totalitarian level of censorship and deplatforming to be a "broken" model. Anything that can log people's IPs is potentially broken, so it's up to whoever runs the instance and what are their true motives.

When using Tor on an unknown/untrusted website and you are at risk if your identity is revealed, anything requiring use of Javascript(aka JS) means running unknown code from an unknown author. One possible use of JS by an intentionally malicious author is downloading and installing a malicious program. All that program has to do is make a single non-Tor connection to a server controlled by an adversary and your true IP address is known.

Watching video (or POSTING video) on Mastodon while logged in under a name known to be associated with you is an entirely different matter. It's not like trying to post a communique for the demolition of a megachurch's building the day after the pastor called for executing trans kids to Facebook without being identified and turned over to a county sheriff with Proud Boys connections.

It was a joke, Luke from DC. Edward Snowden did not say this. The joke is that spying and what Nation State bad actors can do and are doing is much much deeper than only worrying about Javascript. Your processor likely has an entire MINIX OS on it sending off everything you are doing and looking at. Encryption does not even matter. Nothing you do on the internet is private and pretending like you're fine if you just use Tor (you use Tor and Tor Browser Bundle interchangeably but should not) and you're not. You might just not be a big enough fish or very lucky. One last time for the people in the back: Javascript is NOT required to get got.
The internet prevents anarchy on every level.
Kill your computer.

haters gonna hate. Kolektiva runs Mastodon and a.nti.social runs Pleroma. The big differences between the two are that Mastodon is more bloat ware while Pleroma is more light weight. There are some other differences that stand out as well, like Pleroma trying to be more true to ActivityPub, perhaps. In general, Pleroma instances have been known to have less moderation whereas Mastondon instances have typically been more heavily moderated.

a.nti.social is a small instance and things are slow. I'm glad kolektiva is around and it's so popular + glad to see other anarchist instances popping up.

also, this was a very slick video.

i find it somewhat interesting how the technical architecture of this communication platform invites authority. servers have admins, admins set and enforce expectations for the users on a server. and if an admin doesn't do that, you get defederated. without that moderation activity, this network would certainly be much more toxic if it worked at all, but i can't help but think about how many other ways of arranging these social relationships must exist. and i like to think that many of those arrangements could be healthy without having such roles as moderators or administrators.

this is one example but i feel this way about almost everything. the failure of imagination cuts so deep

...despite this site being moerated.

But what is wrong with moderating, anyways?

I'll take the current levels of moderation any day up against White supremascum being given a platform to vomit their puerile insecure bigotry, thank you!

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