1st issue of the anarcho-nihilist newspaper “Blessed Is The Flame”

Via Dark Nights

In the following link we provide the digital version of the first issue of the newspaper of our project “Blessed Is The Flame“, a project for the diffusion of the theory and praxis of black-flag anarchy* While the newspaper is in Greek, we would like to see it translated in other languages too and be disseminated internationally. If any comrades are interested in this undertaking, contact us at blessedistheflame (at) riseup (dot) net, and we can provide you with an editable .odt version of the file.

PDF: Ευλογημένη Η Φλόγα Τεύχος

In this newspaper we will cover topics like international and local anti-info of the two most recent months, discussions, claims of responsibility, ideas and tips about direct action and anti-surveillance.

Editorial: “The present newspaper is the printed form of the project Blessed Is The Flame, which will be irregularly issued. The purpose of this project is not only to disseminate black-flag anarchy, but more generally to disseminate the radical thoery, praxis and criticism that stems from the act of insurrectionarry armed desire, recognising that the social situation we are in, and which we did not choose, leads our lives to bankruptcy, to the alienation of our Egos.

We do not attempt to persuade anyone, we do not wish to bet on the mass mobilisation of a robotised society. What we are trying to do is contribute in building a communication bridge between those who have chosen to revolt here and now and those who want to revolt. We are what we are because we got courage and inspiration from the rebels who show us what is possible. We do not postpone the insurrectionary and revolutionary action for an indeterminate future because we are liberated from the bonds of hope. We are not nihilists because we are simply pessimists. No, we are nihilists because the situations around us do not allow us to think of future utopias, because we do not wait for freedom to come, but we bring freedom each time we act with defiance and without compromise against society, state, capital, and any other aspect of civilisation. This is the most immediate realisation of anarchy.

Long live direct, anarchist and guerrila action

No resignation, no truce, no peace

For anarchy and nihilism”

*In the terminology used within the Greek radical circles, black anarchy (μαύρη αναρχία) refers collectively to the nihilist, individualist, insurrectionary, anti-social and egoist currents of anarchism.

There are 6 Comments

boy oh boy blessed is the flame sure got nihilists to stray pretty far from skepticism/doubt/nihilism

"No, we are nihilists because the situations around us do not allow us to think of future utopias" Lol, a true nihilist would regard any utopia as a societal construct reeking of management and order.

"a true nihilist"

Think about this and apologize.

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