Of war and revolution: Ukraine

A Ukrainian soldier stands in the ruins of the Azovstal metalworks in Mariupol, Ukraine. Photograph: Dmytro Kozatsky

And without wishing to linger further on the Marxist debate around war and revolution, anarchists were historically confronted by the very same dilemma. For some, anti-militarism was a categorical imperative – as it remains now – while for others, wars of resistance against domination were an obligation. And if the “theory” seemed to be clear in its opposition, anarchist practice always revealed a more complex political reality. In the three “great revolutions” of European anarchism – the Paris Commune, the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Revolution –, anarchists never acted alone. They were always part of broader fronts of actors who did not share the anarchist vision, but which by itself did not prevent them from engaging militarily. But then this was the failure of the anarchists, some contend; a judgement whose soundness rests only on the clarity of ideology and hindsight.

Anarcho-Buddhism or Buddhist Anarchism?

Bhante Akaliko approves this message

From No Selves, No Masters by reed w ingalls

A friend of mine who teaches foreign language reminded me today of a curious problem in English. We don’t often take the time to understand what our compound words and prefixes do to the meaning of a term. For example, anarcho-communism is often used synonymously with anarchism, libertarian socialism and so on. However, the order of the words and hyphenation indicate that communism is the subject, and anarchism is the modifier. What kind of communism? Anarchist communism.

Dancing & Digging: A Review

My takeaway is that Seaweed’s language is both easy and intense, and has utility whether you throw it piecemeal into conversations with friends outside the green anarchist tendency or examine it deeply with accomplices to deepen and broaden your perspectives and tactics. Day-Woods suggests that you “memorize [their] words and make them your own”, and there are blank pages at the back for noting down your own proverbs and those of your friends. This book is a pointing text aimed at fighting text generally, a collection of wise insights aimed at weaving together a wise culture more than elevating wise individuals, and a nourishing ground in which the flower of liberatory oral skills can begin to root. I have some battered trousers with big pockets that I wear most days, and now most days this beautiful little book sits in one of those pockets.

Submedia Presents: The Anarchists

From Sub.Media

If you’ve spent any amount of time on the desolate lands known as the internet in 2022 this summer, you have probably heard of the recent HBO documentary series titled “The Anarchist”. This pathetic excuse for a docuseries follows the story of a wealthy Canadian white guy who started a conference in Mexico called “Anarchapulco,” in hopes of promoting anarcho capitalism. The series then follows an array of wealthy westerners who have decided that Mexico is the land of freedom that will save them from the stifling bureaucracies of modern life.

Hello world

Visual representation of the actual amount of copper extracted from a minesite

From ewaste distro

This project explores the connections between software, networks, decentralization, anonymity, hacking, technological production, and anarchism. We are interested in how our lives are shaped so significantly by the mundane and esoteric technical choices which create the worlds we inhabit. We are critical of experts, moderators, and administrators but we seek to understand their world so that we might come up with alternative practices for our own ends.

Olympia Info Night: The Struggle for Bodily Autonomy

The revoking of the Roe V. Wade decision is the latest act in a long struggle between bodily autonomy and state/religious domination over our bodies. Come learn about how this struggle has played out over the years, the major players aiming for total domination over our bodies and lives, how movements have fought in the past, and what the currently unfolding struggle looks like. Stick around for a collective discussion on how we can better engage in this fight, how to offer support to more deeply impacted places, and how this fight connects to other liberation struggles.

Willem Van Spronsen - Always on the Offensive at the Border Crossings

by Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis

Three years ago, on July 13, 2019 in the state of Washington, the antifascist anarchist Willem Van Spronsen fought his last battle in an armed attentat against a migrant detention center. [...] Precisely in this way, in the borders of the E.U. and the Greek territory, a long-running class massacre is being carried out, no less political than the intra-imperialist war in the Russian-Ukrainian zone. A massacre that is met with indifference by the comfortable Europeans and Greeks, bipartisans and leftitsts, just like the Germans who «didn't know» about the nazi death camps. Comrade Willem broke through an invisible border, blowing up the complicit silence, attacking the miserable class distinction, the antisocial cannibalism of those that don't risk their own skin while they inhabit the slaughterhouse, in the territories of the masters, with their own body. With gun at hand.

On the sentence of the Operation Scripta Manent trial

Write an anarchist prisoner today! WRITE RIGHT NOW!!!!!

The hearing of the Scripta Manent trial took place on July 6 at the Court of Cassation (Supreme Court). The court reclassified the facts of the explosive attack to the Carabinieri students school in Fossano (Cuneo) on June 2, 2006, claimed by Rivolta Anonima Tremenda – Federazione Anarchica Informale, for which Anna and Alfredo were prosecuted, in “massacre & political” (art, 285), returning the process to the court of Torino for the punitive recalculation of the sentence. All the other sentences were confirmed, between 1 year and 9 months and 2 years and 6 months, for 11 comrades, and the acquittals for the rest of the defendants, which thus become definitive.

We will not stay warm during the storm

Write an anarchist prisoner today!

Our proposal is not that of a specialized campaign against 41bis or against prisons: not because we like these institutions or because we think anyone should remain locked up in them, but because we think it is urgent to start from a “simpler” goal, knowing full well that when we have achieved it we will not have even begun in our struggle, which is for social revolution. A struggle for the destruction of the prison cannot be won as long as there are states and authorities: therefore, these are battles that must be carried on continuously, but we would like, in this case, to try to give ourselves an attainable goal even in the short or medium term.


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