good news

Collection of essential items for refugees

via Athens Indymedia

Anarchist Collectivity Masovka – Announcement for the collection of the essentials for the insurgent refugees of Lesbos. Sharing goods in Victoria square.

Another announcement of our collectivity was completed with success.We want to thank all the comrades that corresponded to our invitation, bringing essentials –in our pre-arranged appointment- from their lag for the trapped and insurgent refugees of Mytilene. It is impossible to express our gratitude with just a thankful text but at this point, this is the only way.In the intervening period between our invitation and the collection of the essentials, the events unfolded as far as the refugees were concerned, were rapid. The state under the guise of Covid-19 took care to isolate completely the refugees from the society and not even one from our comrades in Mytilene (the essential would be delivered to our comrades from the conquest of Mpinio), as they themselves informed us, has any kind of access or communication with the refugees.

Anarchists successfully stop allotment gardens eviction

via [Squat!net]

Poznan: Anarchists successfully stop allotment gardens eviction

Anarchists from Rozbrat squat in Poznań, together with other groups, have successfully stopped the eviction of neighbouring allotment gardens “ROD Bogdanka”.

Jeremy Hammond is free!


from Jeremy Hammond Support Committee

I am absolutely overjoyed to announce that Jeremy has been released from FCI Memphis. He is safely at a halfway house in Chicago & even got to spend a little time with his support crew. We thank you so much for your support throughout the years. Until all are free! #FreedJeremy

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