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The most dangerous possible condition for us is an uncontested Trump victory in the 2020 election after no or failed impeachment attempts. All of the worst-case post-J20 scenarios would be far more likely if Trump is able to say "voters just ratified everything I stand for" no matter how much overseas interference he invited into the so-called "election."

So long as Trump is in the White House, the alt-right including all-out neo-Nazis have a reliable friend in the White House. Some alt-right people work with Trump while others drive 600 miles to shoot up a Wal-Mart full of non-white shoppers. Some work for ICE while others join Atomwaffen, Patriot Prayer, or the Proud Boys. As we saw most recently in Boston,the cops and Klan work hand in hand now more than ever, with white nationalism being all but official US policy. That is a direct threat to us, and let's not forget those direct efforts both by Trump AND by GOP state governments (especially in "pipeline" states) to make protesting with a mask on a felony.

There is also the case of Trump "winning" in a Bush vs Gore contested election, in which case he is probably too busy to worry about antifa roundups. This goes double for the scenario of Trump losing but refusing to leave office peacefully. That scenario (Trump defies the outcome of the election or tries to stay on past 2024) is made far less likely by even a failed impeachment attempt.

Defiance of a loss in the 2020 election would require GOP support for a fake claim of "election fraud" based on false reports of massive voter "turnout" by undocumented migrants. Trump has only two MAGATS in the Supreme Court, and their are 3 Dems. To win there and stay in office by Supreme Court edict he needs to get three "mainstream" GOP justices to vote with the Kavanaugh Krew. Also the Senate can refuse to certify the election results, requiring substational GOP buy-in and a willingness to go down with the ship if the gambit fails. Trump would have a very, very hard time defying an impeachment followed by a Senate vote to remove him (which only requires 6 more GOP Senators to pass). Anyone helping Trump defy an impeachment and removal would join a crew of thugs facing potential criminal charges at the hands of the Democrats if the "coup attempt" fails, and would have to go all-in or stand down. In none of these scenarios does Trump have time to engage us directly, and he would be in a weak position to get mask laws or anything else past the House.

Second worse case after Trump behing inaugurated in 2021 is Hillery returning to the race (as she is now threatening) and winning. Then, white nationalism returns to being UNOFFICIAL policy of the US government and their shit has to be deniable. We return to a position somewhat short of the 2011-2015 status quo ante, still duking it out with GOP state governments trying to criminalize pipeline protests etc but the alt-right becomes greately weakened along with efforts to gut Roe v Wade. Gender based activism, migrant activism, climate activism, and Black Lives Matter can then go on offense rather than having to constantly play defense against new and novel threats from Trump. We still have to fight but our enemy is weaker and their assaults are more dispersed.

There is also the less likely possibility of a left-liberal like Warren or Sanders winning outright. Our goal then becomes to keep authoritarian elements out of new social programs e.g. ensuring that desirable "Medicare for all" does not get coupled to compulsory preventive care as one of Obama's rivals proposed in 2008. We will need to go on a major, major offensive on both the climate and racial justice issues while we have the chance to get results. While the government willl no doubt still resist this, they will be much slower to respond than Trump's regime and we might get enough "running room" to create some real facts on the ground before corporate Dems and their GOP allies can react.

If you want to know what the Left was able to do while Obama was in office, ask yourself how much tar sands oil has flowed though the Keystone XL's northern section (over the Klanadian border) since 2013 when it was probably meant to go into service. The price of oil plunged below the level at which tar sands are profitable in 2015, meaning pro-Earth activists may have permanently denied the tar sands industry two years of big profits-and possibly prevented a major spill of the most toxic "oil" on Earth. Trump has been in office three years, and it took until now for TransCanada to seriously threaten another push to build the Keystone XL. If they don't get it all the way done while Trump is still in office, they may never be able to use it. That fear in turn is probably making it hard for TransCanada to find new investors.

For those of us with Indigenous ancestry or connections, that is a major, major "dog in the fight!"