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It's difficult for people who haven't been paying attention to the anarchist milieu over the last 30 years or so to follow the conversations happening here, which is perhaps unfortunate in some ways, but not all anarchist media can perpetually explain the basics of anarchist discourse to a general audience. is a good source for that though.

Suffice to say there are many anarchists that are uninterested in the magical thinking necessary for the ideological bloodbath that is revolution, and are more than a little skeptical of revolutionary optimists. A phrase like "further to the left" requires more context (which projects and values among the messy soup of contemporary politics do you consider to be leftist?) but in the sense of the post-WWII left as a relevant political force, I'd like nothing more than for the zombie to admit it's been dead for some time. The coming weirdness will hopefully queer any simple political formulations.