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holidays: grab what you can while you can and make the most of it.
excuse for time off work.
excuse to feast.
turmoil in stores or traffic as decoys.
people busy at the dinner table, as opportunity.
in places where parties and noises are looked down upon and don’t happen often, be the life of the party, push the party longer and louder. encourage people to stay up all night and be too tired for their shift the next day. encourage them to take that day off sick. after all, food poisoning is a common occurrence.
make the most out of recurrent (inherently deficient, yet vital at moments) rituals of charity and generosity, encourage others to share big and wide and make it good and not pitiful.

but also, don’t let their calendar dictate your rhythm.
the theme of the official holiday doesn’t always have to color the shade of your attack, revolt or defiant celebration that happens to be on that day. live on your own rhythm and honor the things you value.