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any oppression can be seen as "identity based". almost by definition. and let's be clear that we are talking there about group identity, not the identity of a unique individual.

seeing one's oppression as "identity based" - regardless of the oppressor's take on identity - is a choice. one that is rooted in a strictly mass-based perspective, rather than an individual-based perspective. when i am abused, i do not place my abuser in some group that i will then fight. i see them as an individual who has chosen to abuse me, and i will respond to that abuse directly, when it happens. i have virtually no use for the group labels and identities that pervade (anti)radical circles.

everyone not me is an "other". that does not make them my enemy, or my friend. they are, quite simply, not me. experience, observation, behavior and communication will determine how i view them with regards to affinity or lack thereof.