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Ecoextremism rejects revolutionism.

“Ecoextremists reject the idea of revolution since this always tends to deform itself and it has always helped to maintain the idea of modern human progress.
The concept has been used for an unending series of causes or political doctrines as an end for its theoretical presuppositions. The ‘revolution’ is a prostitute who sells herself to the highest bidder; it can be used by opposing sides of the same struggle. It is an abused ghost that enters the mouths and pens of intellectuals and militants of whichever struggle. It gives itself over to many misunderstandings and deviations. That’s why the ecoextremists don’t seek it, nor do they strive for it, nor does it hold their interest.
Ecoextremism has rejected the term ‘revolution’ as an end or a means. In our view, we have stopped being utopians and dreaming of a ‘better tomorrow’." (Atltlachionolli, On Wildism and Ecoextremism 2)

“We have no certainty that ‘revolutionaries’ will hasten ‘the destruction of the system.’ Frankly, we think that if one day a movement emerges that seeks to destroy the system, it will be crushed immediately. Would the nuclear, timber, pharmaceutical, automobile, mining, and oil industries allow such a movement to exist, a movement that seeks to halt the forces that propel science and technology? Would they allow that movement to obtain victories that destroy the techno-industrial system that they have forged over the decades? No, they would not allow it, unless they could find a manner to profit from the situation after the supposed ‘destruction’ of the system’.” (Regresion #1, Editorial 2)

Ecoextremism is not anarchism.

“In fact, the anarchist who sympathizes with ecoextremism would have to subvert much of what was said by traditional anarchist thinkers, shaking off the humanism and progressivism that aims to obtain a better world without ‘State-Capital.’ He or she would have to leave aside utopias and focus on the decadent and pessimist present in which we find ourselves. He or she would have to assume the role of an individual within our present circumstances and act accordingly. He or she would have to disregard all that is human (in philosophical terms). He or she would have to act in a cold and calculated manner without regard to collateral damage. He or she would have to be like Di Giovanni, like Mario Buda, like Santiago Salvador, like the galleanist anarchists.” (Atltlachionolli, Hard Words 4)

“I don’t believe for a minute that progressives, anarchists, or Marxists are “materialists”: they are selective idealists. They cling to certain aspects of material reality but anxiously avoid others to prevent the soiling of their ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. These are articles of faith based on wishful thinking.” (A. Cabrera, Public safety)

Ecoextremism supports the use of terrorism and violence.

Ecoextremism is inspired by the resistance to civilization perpetuated by tribal people, which is still continuing today, whether by nomadic hunter-gatherers or any of the one-hundred or so remaining uncivilized (uncontacted) tribes.

“What we are confronting here is the Great Hologram of Civilization: one that
compels us to care about people we never will meet, to have deep empathy for the abstract citizen, comrade, or child of God.” (Collateral Damage, 2)

“Isn’t that the great narrative of civilization: we are all in this together? That’s a lie, because we aren’t. Your life is merely a cog in a great Machine, and should the Machine decide to spit you out, you will be spit out. You have no agency, your morality is an illusion. It just covers up a lot of violence and death that went into making the clothes on your back and the food you eat. It’s alright for massive numbers of animals to die, to burn down forests and pave over meadows. It’s okay to enslave people in factories, to erect monuments to those who buried the worlds of wild savages, to sacrifice the dreams and sanity of those alive today for a better tomorrow.” (Collateral Damage, 2)

“Those who cower in disgust at individualist acts of violence are really defending the right of the State and civilization to have exclusive power of life and death over civilized human animals.” (Collateral Damage, 2)

Ecoextremism rejects pacifism, as a means and an end; militarism (in the sense of mimicry of the state war machine) is not a goal either.

Ecoextremism does not act under a program and does not plan future strategies.

Ecoextremism does not await a total societal collapse, nor does it attempt to catalyze it. It has no hope for the future.

“You can’t create a strategy based on assumptions, thinking that all will go according to plan and with assured victory.” (INCORRECT, 2)

Ecoextremism rejects anthropocentrism.

Ecoextremism rejects modernity, humanism/humanity, and civilization.

Ecoextremism rejects science.

Ecoextremism rejects all moral codes of modern society.

“To posit ‘amorality’ is to seek to destroy all obstacles as you go. It is to posit
the individual over society, chaos over order. It is to posit that sins of omission
(not doing anything) are no less grave than sins of commission (doing
something). That civilized peace is built on the pile of bleached bones of
extinct savages. That you can’t buy off the universe with good behavior. That
you refuse the bargain of the Golden Rule because only slavery and vice
come from it (and not the commendable kind). ‘Amorality’ acknowledges that
we all have ‘blood on our hands’ because we have all bathed in this blood.
Our society was irrigated by it.” (A. Cabrera, Thoughts on morality)

Ecoextremism rejects “Western” and monotheistic religion.

Ecoextremism rejects populism and “movement-building”.

Ecoextremism is individualism. It rejects communism or any form of mass society.

Ecoextremism rejects racism. It asserts that racism, and the anti-racism that inversely legitimizes it, is not only a mark of ignorance but a monumental fraud.

Ecoextremism rejects domestication.

Ecoextremist pessimism is pessimism aimed towards humanity and civilization, rather than nature and the cosmos.