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"She rambles on about nutritious weeds growing in industrial areas but doesn’t recognize the bioaccumulation of hazardous materials. We are living in a world polluted by industrial development."

But not the meat!? Cattle are consuming this toxic pollution. Especially in farmland areas that's filled with the worse, glysophate, arsenic, heavy metals, hormones, and more hormones...

But that's just a thin part of the problem behind your argument. The bigger scope being that the whole settler system of food productions has been mostly doing the same since the start: expansive monocultures, crops and cattle consisting in significant parts of imported plants/animals that do not interact well with the natural floral around, but more fundamentally the disregard towards this native flora in favor of more mass-scale land exploitation.

I got no decisive opinion on those people still hunting deer as sustainable source of food. In some contexts this might be much less harmful to the environment (as well as personally more autonomous) than relying solely on this mass-scale food production system.

I still got an issue with Ria's avoiding the much, much more problematic issue of a car-based suburban sprawl development as the biggest cause of harm to ecosystems, as it generates an acceleration of devastation and pollution unrivaled since maybe the spread of the coal industry, if not worse. "Civilization" develops now as net systems of infrastructural dependency, nets that are extremely harmful to the direct environment, while also being driven/fed by a mass-consumer economy, even with all its nice offshoots of eco-consumerism, better waste management (lol), and other greenwashing.