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Thanks Ria for pointing out all the ways anarcho -primitivism has been using civilization indoctrination to support ‘primitivism’. The reason they draw so many men, in my opinion, is machismo of killing animals and basing it in modern indigenous cultures. I hope your book not only rejects their authoritarianism, but presents a counter-narrative that includes wild ‘truths’ like the ones you lay out in this article. It’s so refreshing to finally hear an anarcho-primitivism perspective that resonates, that doesn’t turn my stomach with patriarchy. I don’t think Bellamy considers himself anprim, but I hope JZ and KT both feel the sting and take heed. It’s just too bad that authoritarianism has to be fought and overthrown because ego stands in the way of having an open mind. I’m not anprim myself, but interested enough that I’d like to read more about it or listen to it without getting that feeling you get from listening to Trump.