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There is nothing more meaningless to me than this conversation. Most things are open to Christian fellowship, including anarchy, but veganism is about as religious as it gets. The whole argument is mostly a waste of time and I find a real struggle in it relating to anything to do with any form of lived anarchy. Veganism within civ is a joke...just read Hogg By Sam Delany because as he will tell ya, "there ain't nothing in this world that I can do that don't bring someone closer to hurt." This goes for the packaging in the grocery store to the tofu to the vegetables. It honestly takes only two peels of the onion layer to realize that veganism(if it means harm reduction or abstaining from hurting animals) is not a real thing. Full stop, it does not exist. It isn't possible, and it is speciesist and the highest form of antrhopomorphism and human exceptionalism. Vegans see themselves as better than other creatures and that they can remove themselves from the food web and from committing "harm." Sure, factory farms and industry suck, but that isn't a vegan problem, it is an industrial society/technology problem. Ria, i don't mean to be a jerk, but the difference between you and a preacher on Sunday Morning television is non-existent in my view. In a discussion or debate with any reasonable open minded thinker you will get crushed because you are holding religious views. I'm all for irrationality, but veganism is irrationality framed as rationality. Look, i get it, you like animals, they are cute, but to put animals over plants or anything else is a personal preference and not a moral obligation. I for one, would choose snails over humans, ice plant over cows, and a variety of other irrational preferences based on my random and chosen experiences in life. UGH

Also, the way the comments play out here is just like the group DXE. It is probably the most embarassing activist group we have in the world right now and they do the same thing. They hold up leaders(, and layla) and then the comments section is full of trite responses like "wow your writing style is so amazing" "i agree" etc with no clear original thought outside the narrow confines of the original writer. For fucks sake, anarcho-primtivisim is embarassing, adding vegan on top makes about the most absurd and hilariously laughable position on anews. When transhumanists are looking more coherent and stronger in argument than you....then you are in trouble. That's it.