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The liberating value of nihilism lies in accepting and asserting the reality that we take for granted is just a bunch of constructs, and that we pick the values that relate/make sense to us. Not rejecting any values because "ooh my bad they're all so fake!". Nihilism is a tabula rasa, by the assumption that, in the end, it's all for Nothing. This leads to a creative response to this awareness, where we assume ourselves as building of meanings of our own, instead of followers, dogs, sheeple of ideas we didn't evaluate and put into question. Any idea is worth going through a falsification process, only if to see if it is worthy. The insane, mindless perception of nihilism that people got in their minds, that of negating any worth, whatsoever, including self-worth, is not nihilism, but simply being totally alienated, but none really does that I think... Anyways, to be pretending at absolute negation means to be believing in absolutes, which is, well... self-contradictory? ;-)