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But "pleasure" and "joy" is a moral precept, too, when it is something that is pursued. It is, since early childhood. You're valuing your own, moreso than others', that's fine. It's very... normal. Tho not sure how this prevents you from falling in the same old behavioral/huxleyan social traps of deprivation and satisfaction... you know, like running after a saucage tied to society's fishing line can just make the masters dog out of you on the long run. But that all depends on whether you're fine being a Soma consumer for the rest of your life, of not. And I cannot pretend being impervious to these mechanisms.

Some prefer to attain, such a physical and spiritual discipline, control over themselves, or self-possession. There ain't just people chasing big ideas, or immediate profits. On my part, I've always been in favor of an epicurean/taoist view, where content and pleasure isn't something hanging over al complex condition of their attainment.

Not to be confused with hedonism.