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i dont know why im responding to this. just a nice session of mental gymnastics i guess. ok. here goes.
1. most of the colonial project was/is sponsored by a state of some kind; often european nations looking to expand their wealth and cultural influence over territory. this stands in contrast to the refugees arriving in europe and other western countries now, in that they often have no state protection or backing; are either fleeing from a state that is at war, or fleeing as a stateless person.
2. you wilfully conflate economic emigration with seeking refuge; certainly times were tough in ireland and the uk for the lower classes, but they werent getting bombed, thats for sure, and even a trip around the world to a colony wasnt likely to improve their social standing significantly, unless the won the economic lottery. if you lived in a slum in the uk, you probably lived in a slum in Australia, New Zealand, or the Americas. this stands in contrast to the refugees arriving in england, were before they were being bombed and shot at, but now they are not. or, i should say, i wish they were not. because violence against refugee and minorities is on the rise.
3. Zionists on the west bank - settlers. people fleeing from bombing and war in syria - refugees