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>Haha, so you say: I am dividual. But: I am not "the I" and in the act of saying I I am.

Yes. As I discussed with my analysis of the Creative Nothing.

>Stirner actually speaks himself for "loosing yourself" as a positive thing. Also he is actually negating language.

Yes, I also speak of this in the very essay you are responding to. He does not negate language. The negation of language is silence. He undoes some of his own language. He does not fully negate it.

>But: where do you speak here against Egoism?

I explain in the second paragraph what in particular I am critiquing.

>You think you contradict Wolfi with you're banal thoughts?

Perhaps, perhaps not. In particular I do contradict the sentiment expressed in the block quote at the beginning of the essay: that is, I do not believe the individual is the primary social actor. I reject the idea that there is an objective primary actor within the social sphere. I do explicitly state that this is not a critique of Wolfi. Very early in the essay.

>Multiple Personalities are not contradicting the concept of self-creation out of nothing and of Egoism

Did you read my essay, or are you simply responding to the title? Regardless, you obviously haven't given it a proper close read.

>Egoism - which means: to be one in moment... But this postmodern crap is far behind the development of wolfi's thought i guess...

How is any of this postmodern? If anything, it is premodern. The latest thinker I reference, other than Wolfi himself, is Stirner.

This is exactly the sort of "egoism" I'm talking about, good lord. Please read my essay again. Or don't. You're obviously as clueless as the guy who thought I was an anhedonist.