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Pure and simple I argue that they are toxicological and stress based in nature. What you see with viral disease is perturbed rna/dna messaging that is driven by over activation. I left a link to the raypeat forum showing how this applies to TMV the very first virus.

The alt hypothesis I am arguing is stress is what is communicable and contagious and vesicle formation and over production is a manifestation of this. Different types of vesicle formations correspond with different types of toxicological stress factors. Unlike, say, the trojan hypothesis(admitted by Stephen J Gould himself), my toxicological stress theory can explain the differing pathologies. Some are based on long term co-factorial cellular breakdown like HIV or the heps due to things like oxidation and other long term multi-toxic organic compound damage and some are more acute like ebola which is probably based on vesicle based mercury and cyanide poisoning.

What is admitted by contemporary virology as of now is that viruses cannot be disentangled from vesicles. My more parsimonious hypothesis does not need the virus myth construct which has no purified isolated protein structure to back it up(molecular genomes don't count bitches, there are all kinds of unique genetic signatures that have an endogenous origin, show me the proteins in all affected and infected).

And to you my old foe SLT, yes HIV has no existence for the reasons I outlined above. I would suggest people read the Perth Group's latest doc from 2017 and more so read the two papers they link to in their latest and last posting on their website under the NEW POSTING headline along with their own beatdown of the HIV/AIDS spook. You're free to try to debunk that SLT;)