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You've laid out suggested alternatives, but in the same comment described why the current material conditions do not allow those alternatives.

Would it be better if we had more medical facilities and less need to flatten the curve? Absolutely, but that's not the case; hospitals are short on supplies, short on staff, and there aren't enough of them. Would it be nice if we all had plenty of masks to help protect each other while out in public? Absolutely, but that's not the case; there aren't even enough masks for the people currently providing us with food and medical attention, and the general public doesn't even know what to do with masks when they have them.

Social contact is important for people's well being, but so is not catching/spreading a deadly virus. Maybe we should talk about ways to ameliorate the pains of social distancing while practicing it because that's what our material conditions require?

Like developing a closed circle of contacts to reduce physical isolation (same concept as fluid bonding with sexual partners; if one of you has it you all have it, but you don't spread it outside the circle). Like interacting from a distance via windows, doorways, yards, in local outdoor spaces with plenty of space between people. Like regular phone calls and video calls. Like watching movies "together" online. Like long-distance creative collaboration. Be inventive.

Social distancing is temporary; dying from a virus is not.