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As another example of the things that are lost, speaking of tone again, you will not know by reading what I meant or what it meant to me what I just said. You didn’t see the vein on forehead pop, you didn’t see my fist tighten, you didn’t see speak through gritted teeth with the most sarcasm and disdain I could muster, you didn’t hear my voice tremble, you didn’t see me cry.

You would be right to point out that this is a problem with text in general. But back then there weren’t million of shut-ins living off the thrill of some pen pals. The internet is not in a vacuum. It’s inseparable from this whole world-economy culture that allows, encourages and normalizes this lifestyle, this way of management of production and consumption and reproduction of daily life.

Outside of our little home cubicles we wear our formalities that make interactions pleasant and expedient, work and exchange, leisure outside of the home cubicle is a luxury, better save the money and time and pop a video on youtube, read something off t@l, chat some peeps on the irc.

If this advanced stage of hellworld did not have the internet, people would be unmanageable with their boredom. Not enough free public spaces to gather and be idle and leisurely. Loitering and homelessness is a crime. The internet in a way is a maneuver to seize public space.

Look at quarantine right now. it wouldn’t go as smoothly is people weren’t so content with their internet entertainment, and even still their climbing walls. Imagine if there was no internet.