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I think my least favorite thing about Kevin is how much he talks a big game about not being a leftie while straight up using their talking points. This is why he’s often featured on IDG he’s just another moralist activist anarchist. His politics reak of humanism. He is constantly using buzzwords and virtue signaling such as his use of indigenous peoples as political monuments. Indigenous people’s may not have carried out revolutions in the European sense but I wouldn’t call what happened to them a victory. Most indigenous people’s today are living in a world where their land is colonized.

My other problem is how much of a salesman and windbag he is. When covid stuff started to ramp up he immediately proclaimed being an expert saying he had studied collapse for years to sell books. He then had to shut down selling because he thought he had covid but it was just pneumonia. There are so many other better anti civ folks in the game putting out new stuff that they aren’t trying to trademark as primal anarchy.