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anon (not verified)
Some ppl are just fucked

ya know?

I feel like normal people with a healthy self esteem source their validation from within. Others can't do that and so they have to fuck with others to feel better about themselves. They try to put others down to raise themselves up, because they don't have that internal scaffolding to uphold their own sense of self. They have no sense of self, just a black void they try to fill with the validation of others. Some people have learned early on that they can get validation and attention (narcissistic supply) by spearheading campaigns for cancel culture; this accomplishes many things for them, including but not limited to projection; deflecting things away from themselves and onto the other person; virtue signalling, etc.

No grown adult should care about cancel culture and no grown adult should spend their time trawling through someones social media, scanning for "objectionable content".

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