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"I can believe that some of you will be decent and consistent enough to rather go start permaculture gardens on some abandoned or public domain land (that doesn't have to be far away in a remote rural area), but good luck making me believe that the "back to the land" paradigm wasn't already being recuperated by capitalism, too, just like the rest of the "energy"."

but for me, my focus, with the many acres of inherited land that i have (a lot of it is just forest and i want to keep it that way and beat back one of the invasive species) is to become more and more self-sufficient on my own foods, i've made significant progress over the past few year but i have a long way to go. The major challenge in this situation though is also engaging in forms of capitalism that aren't oppressive to me personally, because with land ownership there are property taxes, and if you don't pay it the state comes and takes it.

A highly agricultural or "self-sufficient" life style does not necessarily imply a more anarchic one, but at the same time, "back to land" has a lot of control advantages that people in cities simply don't have, there are way fewer cops out in the country.

I want to talk about the concept of "healing" to all of you. How can we help each other to heal from the abuses of neo-liberal leviathan, police states, "white supremacy", etc.? How can we escape the bogus narrative of feeling responsible for the world around us at the same time? I feel like this is a field of thought that should continue to be developed outside of academia and psychotherapy. I want to help other people heal themselves in similar ways that i've healed myself but outside of all those bogus paradigms. And especially fuck "charity" too, that shit is just sinister.