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Very interesting and long-winded reflections about tactics in the context of protests and riots. Sadly these are like the academic think tank policy think pieces that more often than not are just filed and not read, and are rarely influential. This is because and protests are not a detachment with a singular vision and mission. Many of the people there are even passerby that are there by happenstance, not previously experience, much less studied in the topic.

All these lessons are learned through experienced by the participants and are shared informally through conversation, long think-pieces like this are mostly of interest to armchair tacticians.
It's incredible to look at the complexity and sophistication of all the variety of specialized activities around what were once just spontaneous or premeditated symbolic public expression, or recurrent scheduled spectacular outbursts of indignation serving as pressure valve., now a weaponizing (and marketization?) of counter-cultural parades. Such creativity and flurry of activity by energetic youth is inspiring and -specially the malicious bits- would make for very interesting re-invigorated explorations applied elsewhere in other domains of operation and other windows of opportunity.

But like i said, this is not something people can so freely choose, if these events happen where you are, it's hard not to be thrust into them, or to pour your energies into them, specially if you're young. And if they're going to do it anyways, might as well make the most out of it, applying all the lessons learned, and the innovations, as reviewed here in this article.