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"The only genuine autonomous zone was Bey's TAZ, no doubt about it."

No, yes lol... there's total doubt about it.

Beyond the obvious that autonomous zones have preceded the TAZ by decaces, centuries, why not millenia (nomadism?), this overinflated concept also overlooks the fact that there are autonomous zones or spaces that people have struggled to keep open and running... which is the biggest part of the struggle for autonomy, where having by-design temporary zones accepts the despotism of the State as a kind of fact of Nature.

It's a hippie kind of dumb when you want from the start autonomous zones to not last, at all. Why not wanting an experience to turn into a "line of flight" that can change your existence, and create a new lasting relationship and way to approach the world? Why waste it... for a return to the Existent?

Even rainbow gatherings aren't that

Bey ain't only a boy-lover... he's also a State-lover. The most problematic fake friend of anarchy next to the Communards and/or Appeliste cults.