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"Introduction to Civil War" is by Tiqqun.

Link? How much does the remaining 60% read?

How does the amount of books people read within the territorial demarcations of nation-state have to do with the specific critiques directed at the content of a particular book (not a critique at the concept of books, or of things being written about, and the effect that might, or might not have)?

According to a meta-review with large sample size that confers it gargantuan statistical power, your comment is irrelevant.

According to a scribbling on bathroom stall, a lot of people take naps in libraries, people get in debt for going to college, Amazon is terrible.

According to a comment of anew you just wrote, you are the kind of dupe the I.C. is talking to! You're a happy costumer! Have a nice day!

P.S. Wolfi has "dare[d] to a write radical poem [that] feels like an attempt at insurrection" plenty of times, along with other projects that might seem more "academic" to you. That's what they're known for, along with the rest of their aliases/pseudonyms".