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"Capitalist agricultural practices are a major cause of climate change..."

16 cargo ships produce the bulk of the world's pollution. Nice try though. Animal ag accounts for 2% of ghg in the US.

Are you referring to industrial mono-cropping? Even then, it's not a matter of air pollution, but: fertilizer processing and runoff, displacing and killing diverse species through pesticides and filling (something pasture raising animals restores, as well as provides a carbon sink for), and needing copious irrigation water (non-renewable sources) as well as commercialized honey bee operations for (83% of hives involved in almond growing die off due to a parasit). The Cavendish banana species is currently experiencing a worldwide parasite and will die off much the same way as the species it replaced for commercial use in the early 1900s.

The UN FAO projects 59 growing cycles left for industrial mono-cropping. Only 800 million hectares of land can be used to grow crops. Far less than what can be pastured (as the world wasn't all once forested but contains many grasslands). The soil has been depleted of magnesium, and the vital sulphuric compounds found in MSM for our joint health, and domesticated fruits and veg have been need for weight in indigestible fibre and sugar content.

The BULK of pollution comes from transportation. Why a species wants to keep its precious more recent cars and kill off its own food supply is beyond me.

Is everyone suicidal?

Do we really need to not eat and take care of the land so we can keep the ships and vehicles polluting? Sounds like a really inhuman and inhumane world.

This article is written by out of touch city folk.

Farmers in the US are committing suicide at an extraordinary rate. This is not good. And to continue to attack this way isn't helping us get food directly controlled by our own hands (and away from fucking corporation that consolidate so much of the process).