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"An old growth forest by itself, through the thickness and hardness of wood, poses a greater resistance to loggers than a squat or a community garden could pose to the police, or any other configuration of the state's armed goons"

I find this particularly offensive. That's because old-growth forests....

- are ecosystems made of LIFE. They aren't lifeless buildings occupied (or abandoned) by whoever.

- are being razed or set fire to, on a massive scale. How good are they at resisting against attackers?

- their lives apparently cannot understand the human's designs against them, or at least not to their full extent, and for the most part cannot defend themselves against the latter's attacks. Their means to defend themselves are scarce and, sadly, easy to overcome with human technology.

- they are already a fucking "squat". They are THE biggest anarcho squat on the planet. Yet the living beings there don't have to reclaim these lands they live in. They just live there, that's all.

Here's for your comparison to squats or community gardens.