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the crux of all his arguments were based on "the downtrodden worker of germany", have you ever read mein kampf? After he talks about how tuff he is, and before he goes into how the communists and jews are to blame for everything, there are actually a lot of sensible arguments that most reasonable intellectuals agree with...arguably, socialism in practice is a right wing concept because it requires serious conformity and organization, at least if the socialism is strictly not anarchist...

the left and right resemble each other because they can't escape the nationalist paradigm, for example, try arguing with a real democrat for open borders: they will tell you that "it cannot be done", which is jibberish for "the hobgoblin of necessity haunts my brain". The relation that biden and trump have to law and order is almost indistinguishable, remember how good ol' affable joe was talking about how anarchists should be imprisoned?