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Explosive attentat against precinct

via Contra Info, translated by Anarchist News

[Chilean] Responsibility claim for the explosive attentat against the 4th Carabineers Precinct in Talca


It exploded in your hands, bastards. But let it be clear that it's not a simply a personal attack, it's a declaration of eternal and constant war against their institution and against the society that "needs" it.

We moved silently among you, under your noses and you didn't smell us: Who is the prey now?… Keep on searching blindly trying to identify those responsible, all the answers you may find will be erroneous.

-To all those who categorize every act of amoral attack as a staged farce or a frame-up: don't try to numb down the rage, there are beings that are willing to attack at any moment. The only thing we lament was the low lethality of the artifact and, in its defect, we hope both bastards fear for their lives, and that the government wastes dirty money, energy and time in fruitless investigations.

-To the reformists and «revolutionaries»: stop acting and speaking like victims, some of us choose to be feared and not humiliated, the only thing we have to lose is our chains. Let's multiply despicable attacks without warning!

-To the imbeciles that thought that this attentat was orchestrated by narcos: We equally detest cops and narcos, we know they walk hand-in-hand, and even more so in the 4th. The cops of the 4ta have had much deference with all the traffickers of the north barrio, don't be surprised by the «monetary contributions» that the cops may receive from them.

Lastly, nothing left but to mention all the imprisoned and fallen comrades: Mónica, Francisco, Joaquín, Kevin, Niger, Juan, Freddy, Nelson and so many others whose names I forget, but not their actions. Greeting from the shadows of the Maule valley.

Constant war against society!
Down with la kana!

«Faceless Beings, nothing or no one you know of»

Spring of 2020, $hilean Territory