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Also again, Duchamp's "the fountain" was an attempt to shock highbrow art culture out of the fake value it attached to objects of "art". The urinal is functional, by inverting it and naming it "fountain" created the concept of true art being a reciprocated exchange, on one hand, the fountain gathers water and pours it into the human body, and in turn the urinal catches it and disperses it. Aesthetics is recognizing the relationships and exchange mechanisms between the human and environmental condition. Landscape pictures of fox hunts through idyllic pasteurs which were highly valued in that era are in fact ugly, boring, false and deceptive depictions of reality and even a work by Turner or Constable are grotesque daubs which lack sensitivity and beauty and only appealed to the aesthetics of a few 1% of the aristocracy or the sycophant snobs who shared their values.