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Defining Anarchy series on Immediatism Podcast

This series of five essays by Shawn P. Wilbur is part of the Constructing Anarchisms workshop. "A genuinely anarchy-centered anarchism is not something we have had a lot of practice recognizing 'in the wild.'" ~Shawn P Wilbur in Anarchy: Action in the Face of Uncertainty

Shawn has invited us to define anarchy "in such a way that it can serve us as a guide and instrument in the exploration we have undertaken." In these essays, he leads us through a discussion of positive anarchy and collective force, and encourages us to be lawless and unprincipled. Looking forward to a perhaps lengthy period in the near future of rapid changes in our worlds, we might borrow Shawn's tentative definition of anarchy as "the evolving dynamics of collective force in the absence of authority and hierarchy." (Anarchy: Lawless and Unprincipled) "[T]hink of the work required to expand our capacity for 'doing what we want and only what we want' as a matter of organizing new and potentially more powerful kinds of whirlwinds and maelstroms." (Anarchy, Harmony, and the Maelstrom of Desire)

Each episode is about a half hour long. The original texts are available at (Shawn's site) or at in the shownotes of each episode. Feedback and requests to

1 Anarchy Into the Maelstrom
2 Positive Anarchy and Collective Force
3 Anarchy: Lawless and Unprincipled
4 Anarchy, Harmony and the Maelstrom of Desire
5 Anarchy: Action in the Face of Uncertainty