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13:39 thank you for sharing your story.

While I would not have encouraged you, or anyone else in such a situation given that we're using this story for discussion and as example, to light his truck on fire as 14:01 recommended (a bit mean-spirited, even if a bit funny, that they called your story an erotic story, since I do think there's a lot of interesting aspects you bring to the discussion).

I think this is how white privilege and privilege in general works to protect bigots, abusers and bullies of all sorts. They're always someone's neighbor, friend or family. Meanwhile minorities or even anarchist would generally not receive the same response in return if they were caught doing something lesser. They face higher risk of death or imprisonment and less support from community and that type of under the table apology arrangement.

If I would have been you, I wouldn't have flashed those lights, not condemning you for it, it's very likely anyone would have even honked out of reflex. Given that it was so simple for you to find out who he was, if you hadn't flashed the lights and he hadn't chased you, you could've still done your research and found out who he was.
I'm not wanting to be a backseat driver, and what's done is done, but I just mention this in the spirit of discussion should others reading this find themselves in such a situation.

Specially when living in a small town, it's easy to know who's who, not requiring a dedicated antifa operation that mostly end up in doxes and larping. which doesn't eliminate the problem, in fact often places them at a vulnerable position for these bigots to attack them. I would have also not included so many identifying features in your story, but that's just me being paranoid, then again I'm not the one being chased home (nor have offspring that live there) by an angry lunatic on a pickup who then found out who I was upon meeting me. What I would definitely do is crank up my security around the house and means of self-defense.

I liked how you acknowledge that "There was resolution, but it is embedded in greater, unresolved conflict.". Recognizing the various nested contexts, can sometimes lead you to avoid certain battles to avoid stirring up the bee-hive, specially if you're a wasp or a hive beetle. Sometimes avoiding can be better than a heated confrontation that ends your life or your freedom, or lukewarm confrontation that leads to a concession. Only you can tell which is better for you and which you prefer.