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i have been staring at this TOTW for awhile now as well, thank you for articulating a position i empathize with but had difficulty expressing myself, i have been struggling between 'burn it all down, fucking all of it!' and,
' maybe there is hope for the future ? ' i am not 18-35 and conflict takes on new meaning as i age, getting punched in the face at 30 is different then at 50 for me, and doing the punching is becoming even more of a problem due to disabling injuries from years of physical conflict, "Strategic thinking requires me to remain opaque / hidden / obscure, not in overt conflict with, yet, until I can either be effectual or I just do not care any more about dying." this pretty much sums it up, i am an isolated individual in an unfriendly community, my open conflict with it has done more damage then good and i am adopting a more Machiavellian approach as i move forward. be well