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you might be thrilled to know that this anarchist doesn't use the terms liberty or freedom any more than i use democracy to invoke or envision a future devoid of exploitation, domination, and institutionalized hierarchy. i prefer to call that anarchy, because i'm not afraid of descriptive terms that have been colonized by every institutional hierarchy and system of relations based on domination and exploitation. untangling anarchy from the idiots who've used the word to promote social democracy or communism or some strange ancap bullshit is far easier than untangling democracy or freedom or liberty from every totalitarian dictatorship, every republic based on partial suffrage, every constitutional monarchy, every fucking state in the history of states. your fetish toward democracy (direct of course) just sounds like some nostalgia from high school civics classes, because of course we all know that majority rule is the most fair system, whether it's to vote for home room spokesperson or the homecoming queen or the president of the united states. it's a bunch of bullshit, Wayne, and you're smart enough to understand that. your continued fixation on the terminology of statecraft is annoying, but then, you're in some fine company, with all the other anarcho-democrats. and anarchy means no ruler(s), not no rules. seriously, are you really going for such a low blow? i thought you had more dignity than that.