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"fascist is just a subcategory of reactionary"

this is historically inaccurate and untenable. a reactionary position has not, and does not, ever include giving more power to workers over their work, both at the point of production and at the point of distribution -- but there have been fascists who have promoted precisely that (taking their cues from Sorel). that's part of why many fascists (especially the italian and spanish ones) could call themselves "national syndicalists" with a straight face and consider themselves to be informed by at least some anti-capitalist notions, especially as it related to a class-based antagonism toward the bosses. any decent study of fascism must take into account that while for the most part, the ideas and policies line up squarely on the right and with reaction, there are elements in fascism that were deliberately copied from left-wing union movements, and while they were always given a nationalist/semi-racist twist, they remained close to the ideas of left-syndicalism. the easy defection of leftists into fascist unions at work -- especially once fascism became a dominant state ideology -- is an important sociological phenomenon that can't just be ignored.