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bobo (not verified)
lol, the white-flight fraud squad?

You can disagree with institutional Leftism from a critique of institutions and not be offended by postmodern advances in pedagogy. I disagree that these blubbering STEM types have any idea what social transformation actually entails, and less still how it is brought about. Scapegoating trans people, radical professors, feminist and queer studies, frankfurt school theory, CRT, and BLM is an unmitigated attempt by these skeevy iconoclasts to crystallize the mass inequality doled out by classic liberal austerity politics in academia and professional managerial firms. They represent the equivalent of Trump telling his MAGA mob "you're very special, we love you," but for banal, and awkwardly resentful "it's ok to be white, capitalist patriarchs" young republican jerks.

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