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ffs, you want to crack in then? Cuz I will ….

"Unlike the cities of San Francisco or Seattle, the repressive restructuring of Vancouver did not occur because of free market tech-capital, but from the combined forces of the Canadian state and Chinese capitalists. By trading citizenship for investment, the Canadian state brought a variety of development projects to the city and money to its economy. This process started in the 1980s and continues to this day. Although the Canadian state created and encouraged this arrangement, the Chinese are currently being blamed for the gentrification and restructuring of the city."

This paragraph^^^ is a completely objective, factual statement that explains the influx of money included no small amount of chinese capital but the responsibility lies with the greed of the gov't. Therefore, not "a racist narrative".

Shall we continue? There's more here that you might be confused by but the issue is still reading comprehension, not racism.