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I love what Cory's been doing and to me she's a legit anarchist that I can relate to. Tho as someone with ADHD myself I find Immediatism to be sometimes very challenging to follow, and always skip back like a dozen times in the same episode as my thoughts wander somewhere else. Of course I can just hit the pause button, duh, but since there are no preset cue points, it's pretty hard to pause at the right places.

I'm not gonna suggest to slow down the pace as the pace is part of one's expressive style (and I guess the cognitive/communicative approach of someone too), tho making more pauses, or longer ones would do a great benefit. Other podcasts use a soundtrack to fill the gap and allow for the listeners to "breathe". Just like 20 extra seconds total on top of 20 minutes does a difference. It's okay to go without a soundtrack, just play with *tacet* a little more, like in a song.

So like I don't want this to be taken as negative whining, Cory does the way she wants to... I'm only suggesting what I see as a nice improvement.