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So, we have a newbie here who

So, we have a newbie here who's kinda undecided between anarchism and socialism, and a bunch of people telling him to fuck off because he's not a proper anarchist or drops a few leftie buzzwords? Then we wonder why there's so few anarchists?

Scandinavia was socdem until the 2000s at which point they started neoliberalising to some degree. There's no real social democracies left now. It's still possible to see state socialism in practice. Belarus is like the old USSR in the 70s, North Korea like a more hardcore version (also Turkmenistan and Transnistria), then there's Cuba and Venezuela. I think Venezuela is the closest to what OP is talking about as they have some degree of participatory democracy at the community level. Rojava claims to be Bookchinian anarchist but is also probably a kind of state-socialism. The Zapatistas seem to be a kind of postmodern ancom.

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