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I found Sean Swain's comments on prison situation very interesting.
One thing that I specially liked about this podcast, that kept me thinking, was when Loretta asked Ariel if young people don't “check” on past anarchist experience and people. I guess I had never stopped to think about young people not learning about anarchism from old anarchists. When I was younger and started to learn about anarchism, my second contact was through classic writings (the first one was probably through punk music) . And I remember how excited I was to find a cultural center in the place I used to live where people that had fought on Spain would hang out and tell their stories and welcome young people as equals. Anarchism felt super real for me in that moment. But yes, internet had a different role on people's lives then. I feel like learning only through what is new on anarchism is a big loss. I still learn a lot from the “classics”. I hope people are still curious enough to check on past experiences.