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One of the biggest Big Tents of that time, and the peak of the '90s liberal anarcho-left. Most of the actors mentioned are either gone or have pacified/dissolved within society, leaving a tiny few corporate activists (related to the CLAC, mainly) still active but not much more radical and still embroiled in collectivist old patterns. Most people I've known who attended became liberal yuppies, often with families, demobilized and remobilized for society. So much that they've let the Far Right become the new force against neoliberalism, which is somewhat beaten up during the Trump regime.

So the title is wrong. This wasn't an anticapitalist mobilization. It was, as stated by many groups, against neoliberalism, and against its related globalization... and this is what you get when you got such a specific externality that avoids a deeper critique of how the system works. Neoliberalism has served those people well ever since. It gave them nice jobs in the green or nonprofit sector, or the small hipster businesses, coop or not.

CrimthInc and the whole anarcho-left didn't learn in 20 years... they won't learn in 200, and why not 2000?