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I know that as a nihilist your imagination allows for no limitations in improbable and unexpected events occuring, and my extensive interest has been attracted to recent data concerning an unforeseen catastrophe from a mostly ignored class of creatures of seemingly minor significance in the continuation of life on Earth. INSECTS. Laziness has made humans mammaliancentric and little concern has been devoted to saving insects, but rather to kill them with 60 million litres of insecticide sprayed daily on crops and the environment. MORONIC neocolonialist farmers DUH .
40% of the earth's insect have disappeared, and rapidly declining. 98% of crops require the services of insects to germinate their flowers and produce grain, fruit, vegetables and pulses. WE ARE ALL GOING TO STARVE TO DEATH IN 30 YEARS and to I don't care, let it happen, I have begun stockpiling pallets of soya beens, oats and multivitamin tablets in my underground abandoned mine. Time to plan before the shit hits the fan folks, Unless you're a real nihilist, and then you wouldn't give a shit any2ay!?