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International call for a week of solidarity with the anarchist Abtin Parsa

International call for a week of solidarity with the anarchist Abtin Parsa (12th-19th of July 2021)


The anarchist Abtin Parsa is a former political prisoner from Iran with the atheist view imprisoned by the Islamic regime for one year and a half in 2014. Abtin Parsa, 16 years old at that time, was arrested by IRGC for an anti-Islamic and anti-state public speech in his high school, “Shahid Chamran,” in the city of Zarqan. Even after his release from prison, Abtin was continued to be pressured and controlled by the Islamic regime, forcing him to escape to Greece in 2016.

Death threats from the Islamic regime accompanied Abtin Parsa with his arrival to Greece. He repeatedly received death threats from various organizations and individuals affiliated with the Iranian Islamic regime. In 2017, while the nationwide anti-state protests in Iran, Abtin Parsa showed his solidarity with the protests in a video message. A few days later, the Iranian regime manipulated and edited this video message and broadcasted it on national television to accuse the persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa of teaching protesters how to make explosives.

The persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa was granted a 3-years political asylum in Greece in 2017. In the same year, Abtin Parsa joined the resistance movement in Greece and began to struggle against the systematic oppression perpetrated by the Greek state against the working class, especially immigrants. During these struggles, Abtin Parsa was arrested and even tortured several times by the Greek state, including:

In July 2018, he was tortured by Greek police for his political activities against the Greek state, during which several parts of his body were severely damaged, and vertebrae in his back were broken.

In August 2019, he was arrested near his home by Greek police and charged with carrying a weapon while he had only a small paper cutter. Abtin refused to submit his fingerprint for a criminal record to the police to protest how the police treated him and other immigrants, and the court sentenced him to three months in prison and a fine of 180 euros. (suspended prison)

In November 2019, as the counter-terrorist police launched a large-scale operation to find clues to a revolutionary organization (revolutionary Self-defense), his house and a few other comrades were raided by the counter-terrorist police. During the counterinsurgency police operation, an anarchist and another person were imprisoned, and two other anarchists were arrested, both of whom are temporarily released. During the counterinsurgency police raid on the house of persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa, all his asylum documents, which were in the house and his other belongings, were confiscated by the counterinsurgency police.

In February 2020, the persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa was forced to leave Athens in a political decision to have more secret life in a different city to be away from police control due to the counterinsurgency police’s excessive control over his home, movements, and even personal connections.

In March 2020, persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa was arrested by counterinsurgency police for terrorism.

While the political asylum of persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa was nearing the end of its three-year term, various Greek newspapers quoted the Greek Ministry of Immigration as saying that the political asylum of persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa had been revoked due to his arrest on March 30, 2020.
After the Greek state revoked the political asylum of persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa, he fled Greece and applied for political asylum in the Netherlands.

In April 2021, Abtin Parsa was arrested by Dutch cops and charged with organizing an immigrant uprising against the Dutch state. (Here read about the anarchist community of immigrants in AZC echt: Due to the arrest of April 2021, persecuted anarchist Abtin Parsa could face 5 years of prison.

Today 8th of July, the Dutch state rejected the request of comrade Abtin Parsa about stopping his extradition to Greece and formally deciding to extradite him to Greece. Read the statement of comrade Abtin Parsa here:

As the local anarchist federation of Iran and Afghanistan, we call for a week of international solidarity with anarchist Abtin Parsa (12th-19th of July 2021).

Federation of Anarchism Era


Bahasa Indonesia

Anarkis Abtin Parsa adalah anarkis, ateis, dan mantan tahanan politik asal Iran yang dipenjara oleh rezim teokrasi Iran selama satu setengah tahun pada tahun 2014. Abtin Parsa, yang baru berusia 16 tahun pada saat itu, ditangkap oleh IRGC karena melakukan pidato anti-agama dan anti-negara di sekolah menengah “Shahid Chamran,” di kota Zarqan. Bahkan setelah dibebaskan dari penjara, Abtin terus ditekan dan diawasi oleh rezim Islam, yang memaksanya untuk melarikan diri ke Yunani pada tahun 2016 karena alasan keselamatan.

Ancaman pembunuhan dari rezim teokrasi Iran terus dikirim kepada kawan Abtin Parsa walaupun telah berpindah ke Yunani. Dia berulang kali menerima ancaman pembunuhan dari berbagai organisasi dan individu yang berafiliasi dengan rezim teokrat Iran. Pada 2017, ketika protes anti-negara yang menyebar secara nasional di Iran, Abtin Parsa menunjukkan solidaritasnya dengan protes dalam sebuah pesan video. Beberapa hari kemudian, rezim Iran memanipulasi dan mengedit pesan video ini dan menyiarkannya di televisi nasional untuk menuduh anarkis yang diburu, Abtin Parsa menganjurkan pengunjuk rasa cara membuat bahan peledak.

Anarkis yang teraniaya, Abtin Parsa, diberikan suaka politik selama 3 tahun di Yunani pada tahun 2017. Pada tahun yang sama, Abtin Parsa bergabung dengan gerakan perlawanan di Yunani dan mulai berjuang melawan penindasan sistematis yang dilakukan oleh negara Yunani terhadap kelas pekerja, terutama imigran. Selama perjuangan tersebut, Abtin Parsa ditangkap dan bahkan disiksa beberapa kali oleh negara Yunani, antara lain:

Pada Juli 2018, ia disiksa oleh polisi Yunani karena aktivitas politiknya melawan negara Yunani, di mana beberapa bagian tubuhnya cedera parah, dan tulang belakangnya patah.

Pada Agustus 2019, dia ditangkap di dekat rumahnya oleh polisi Yunani dan didakwa karena membawa senjata padah dia hanya memiliki pisau cutter kecil. Abtin menolak untuk menyerahkan sidik jarinya untuk catatan kriminal ke polisi untuk memprotes bagaimana polisi memperlakukan dia dan imigran lainnya, dan pengadilan menjatuhkan hukuman tiga bulan penjara dan denda 180 euro. (Hukuman penjara akhirnya ditangguhkan)

Pada November 2019, ketika polisi anti-teroris meluncurkan operasi besar-besaran untuk menemukan petunjuk tentang sebuah organisasi revolusioner (Revolutionary Self-Defense), rumahnya dan beberapa kawan lainnya digerebek oleh polisi antj-teroris. Selama operasi polisi kontra-pemberontakan, seorang anarkis dan beberapa penduduk sipil ditahan, dan dua anarkis lainnya ditangkap, dua yang terakhir mendapat pembebasan sementara. Selama penggerebekan polisi kontr-pemberontakan di rumah anarkis yang diburu, Abtin Parsa, semua dokumen suakanya, yang ada di rumah dan barang-barang lainnya, disita oleh polisi kontra-pemberontakan.

Pada Februari 2020, anarkis yang diburu, Abtin Parsa terpaksa mengambil keputusan untuk meninggalkan Athena karena alasan politik untuk memiliki lebih banyak privasi di kota lain, agar jauh dari kendali polisi karena represi berlebihan polisi kontra-pemberontakan atas rumahnya, pergerakan, dan bahkan koneksi pribadinya.
Pada Maret 2020, anarkis yang dianiaya Abtin Parsa ditangkap oleh polisi kontra-pemberontakan karena terlibat terorisme.

Sementara suaka politik dari anarkis yang diburu, Abtin Parsa mendekati akhir dari tenggang waktu tiga tahun, berbagai surat kabar Yunani mengutip Kementerian Imigrasi Yunani yang mengatakan bahwa suaka politik anarkis Abtin Parsa telah dicabut karena penangkapannya pada 30 Maret 2020. Setelah negara Yunani mencabut suaka politik dari anarkis Abtin Parsa, ia melarikan diri dari Yunani dan mengajukan suaka politik ke Belanda.
Pada April 2021, Abtin Parsa ditangkap oleh polisi Belanda dan didakwa karena mengorganisir pemberontakan imigran melawan negara Belanda. (Baca lebih jauh tentang komunitas imigran anarkis di AZC echt: ).

Karena penangkapannya pada April 2021, anarkis yang dianiaya Abtin Parsa bisa menghadapi 5 tahun penjara.

Pada tanggal 8 Juli, negara Belanda menolak permintaan kamerad Abtin Parsa untuk menghentikan ekstradisinya ke Yunani dan secara resmi memutuskan untuk mengekstradisi dia ke Yunani. (Baca pernyataan dari kamerad Abtin Parsa di sini: /)

Sebagai federasi anarkis lokal Iran dan Afghanistan, kami menyerukan solidaritas internasional selama seminggu dengan anarkis Abtin Parsa (12-19 Juli 2021).
