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"1) identifying and understanding hierarchies and power dynamics, 2) assessing if said hierarchy or dynamic is able to justify itself or is justifiable, and 3) if it is not, then calling for it to be dismantled."

The police, the prisons, work, colonialism, racism etc already justify themselves. It is this very notion of "just"ice that "just"ifies. If one seeks to pick certain systems to justify, and others to dismantle, the very logic of these systems has already been accepted. One has already accepted the "just" cause of civilization. Perhaps you disagree in where it draws the lines, but ultimately to reproduce or create any social system, is no more then a redrawing of the lines, a reaffirmation if justice, a recreation of the functions of these systems and institutions with new aesthetics but the same functions.

There is no point in distinguishing "unjust" systems, when it is justice itself that is the problem. There is no point in distinguishing unjust systems when it is systems themselves that are dominating.