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Re govt. mandates and social control:
Everyone suggesting vaccine mandates are minor in comparison with other social controls, or are similar to other controls already in place, so "whats the big deal? ", seem to be missing the fact that this is not only about the "minor inconvenience" of a simple injection. This is about what they can do to you if you refuse (for any reason) to do what they've decided is best for you. No flying, no working, no socializing, no entertainment, no shopping for food, potentially no interstate travel, etc. What anarchist in their right mind would support such authority over individuals? Also, the social control is very apparent in the general population. All over social/traditional media, people advocating for cutting ties with the unvaccinated. Divorcing unvaccinated spouses, dropping friends and family, and for what? The unvaccinated pose no additional risks for the vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you can still get the virus from anyone, vaccinated or not. This seems to be more about the vaccinated punishing those that they see as somehow "selfish" .
Re the assertion that the govt. hasn't actually mandated the vaccine:
They have absolutely mandated it for certain sectors and public unions, not to mention the fact that they've pressured private business to mandate it for their employees and customers. The only reason this hasn't been mandated for all of U.S. citizens is because the federal govt. knows that there are too many legal obstacles preventing them from doing it, so they're having the private sector require it.
Re "only the selfish are unvaccinated":
Due to the nature of the MRNA vaccines currently available, there is sound science to back up the possibility that it's doing far more damage in the long run to vaccinate the majority of the population. The current vaccines don't kill the virus when contracted, they just dull the impact the virus has on the vaccinated individual. The current vaccines also don't prevent the vaccinated individual from spreading the disease to other vaccinated and unvaccinated people. The problem this creates is that in addition to allowing the virus to mutate as it travels from person to person, it may artificially allow the virus to mutate into a much deadlier variant as it travels through the vaccinated population, because the vaccine prevents it from killing the host. Nature typically sees virus mutate into less deadly versions for all sorts of reasons, but mostly because if it becomes too deadly it doesn't give itself the ability to travel, and survive. if it kills it's host immediately, the virus itself would die off very quickly.
I think a decent argument could be made that only the most at risk people should be taking these vaccines. Otherwise, we could be creating a easier path to a much deadlier variant, as well as potentially creating a situation where the whole population may actually need the vaccines in the future, or face certain death once they've contracted one of the new deadlier variants.
Re the vaccines slowing the spread or creating herd immunity:
Israel has the highest vaccination rate of any country in the world at the moment. They're currently seeing a huge spike in cases and deaths, and 58% of the hospitalized there are fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, the vaccines have been mostly withheld from the Palestinians, yet the Palestinian territories are seeing a moderate rise in cases and deaths (look it up on Reuters Covid Tracker) Israel-527 infections per 100K people reported last 7 days. Palestinian Territories- 85 infections per 100K people reported last 7 days.

This is not as cut and dry as people would have you believe, and the science is not nearly as settled as is portrayed by the media. Anyone deeply researching this will come away with more questions than answers.