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The current situation in Israel suggests ADE is a possible problem with the Covid vaccines, not to mention that Dr. Walensky, director of the CDC, said just today that the people who got early vaccines were at an "increased risk of severe disease and complications", due to the waning effectiveness of the vaccines.

I'm pretty sure this is exactly how ADE would present itself, and it's why they're stumbling over themselves to get a third shot into the vaccinated as quickly as they can. I believe there is potential that this will never end. Constantly chasing the previous shot with another, and creating a deadlier situation for the vaccinated with each additional shot.

It's not like ADE is unheard of, or some conspiracy theory in itself. It's happened in the past with RSV vaccines, an early Measles vaccine, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus vaccines, a Dengue virus vaccine, vaccines for feline coronavirus, and I'm assuming many others.

In each of these instances, the vaccine created an increased risk for the vaccinated (including causing death in several people and animals).

If any of the above vaccines would have been rolled out as fast as the Covid vaccine, with no approval and no large scale human trials, I'm quite sure the death toll would have been astronomical. This, of course, is the danger in using unproven vaccines on such a large scale. And mandating them in several instances.

If people were dropping dead left and right, the risk may have been worth it, but we're talking about a fairly benign virus in the grand scheme of things. Up to this point, it hasn't been too much deadlier than the annual flu, especially when considering how the cases and deaths have been tallied for this specific virus. (and there is no shortage of first responders weighing in on what they see as fraud in regards to the case/death count, along with the fact that the PCR test is an absolutely inaccurate and unreliable way to test for any virus, but don't take my word for it, the inventor of the PCR test said so himself)