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I'm not a nihlist just as much as I'm not an anarchist. Personally I don't see how I'm being contrarian so you'd have to elaborate what you mean, instead I see myself as contributing to the conversation. That contribution may take the form of controversial opinions, such as my stance on pedophilia, or my views on Fascism, but I think it is hard to say those things are contrarian especially since they have a history. As for alts I only post under this name here, though I've also gone by Stinky and Michel Foucault.

In regards to trolling, I don't see my behavior as such so you'd have to elaborate what you mean by that. Again I'm hoping to engage in conversations, if anything it seems to me you are the person trying to shut down conversations. Like if you disagree with me so vehemently you could actually state why you think I'm wrong and how your position is so much better, but instead I'm just called a poopoo head. Which is great to appeal to people who don't like poopoo heads but does nothing in terms of a conversation people can engage in.

As for why I came to Anews I had just recently found it along with Aragorns other works. So far A!'s thoughts have been pretty influential to me so I figured I'd try using some of these platforms to hopefully engage with people who were exploring the same ideas he was, but I have found at least in my limited experience, these spaces don't really seem to be the space to have those conversations for a variety of reasons.

As for being evicted from the pedo forums, being banned from Twitter has influenced me being here instead. And truthfully if I wasn't banned I'd probably still be there as even though most of the pedophiles I knew were still very much so left-anarchists, that environment had a lot more diverse conversation happening both exploring post left ideas but even left ideas in new lights in a way that was interesting and engaging.