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I check out anarchist news now and then to laugh at hilarious posts by goose-stepping fascists. How could a sane human being believe injecting an unapproved corporate genetic engineering experiment into your body made any sense? Tens of thousands have died from the fake vaccines and still the left shills the toxins. THIS is why people with IQ's above 100 shrug off your lunacy. I am a true environmentalist. I try to avoid all poisons. Let the weak (with a half dozen co-morbidities already) die off from all the normal flu strains labeled as the STILL non-isolated hoax called "Covid 19." The earth will be reclaimed by the healthy, by the paleo humans. Transhumanist cyborgs are the real enemy, not "trumpists" (whatever that means). As long as skinny jeans anarchists attack liberty-loving, untainted humans, no one will take anything they say seriously. Ever. Fake "primal" anarchists like John Zerzan even shill the vax. What a sad, sick world. Let Gaia recover, let the rain forests go wyld, let our bodies be free from hazardous waste labeled as "medicine." Long live the fighters!