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this is a half-assed response. and emotionally dishonest. Most obviously along the lines that many people have complained about how fucked up anews is (for example), yet they still are here...

obviously you see something good about what you're doing or you wouldn't be doing it. you are not a passive victim in the ways that you spend your time. only focusing on one aspect of something -- even something that is overwhelmingly terrible -- doesn't help address why people/you continue to participate in it. if you don't want to engage in that conversation, fine, but presenting text walls that reiterate points that have already been made dozens of times isn't doing yourself or other readers any favors.

the prompt's attempt to find some usefulness to cancelling (at least under some circumstances) is an example of trying to understand something beyond the good/bad binary that you are pushing this topic into.

stretch yourself, it can be fun...