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social media is the perfect tool to spread disinformation and sow discord. naturally, as agents of chaos, anarchists find affinity with these means, but lack the clear goals, internal coherence and committed organization to take advantage of the chaos in an instrumental manner. whereas state programs, political parties and private firms routinely achieve and exceed their projected goals using these means. although sometimes with less proficiency and imagination than anarchists, they nevertheless achieve their desired effects, with satisfactory performance metrics. meanwhile, anarchists are mesmerized and enthralled in the exploration of the vast array of new possibilities allowed by new technical applications. you will find more discussion of the how-to of 3-d printing, blockchain and NFTs, than gunpowder and dynamite. this is also due to the subtle effect permitted speech shapes conversation. whereas a truly private conversation could be about anything, conversations on social media should always be treated as public, specially if on a corporate platform, and therefore conveniently steers away from anything that might be a threat.